Out of Stocks

(Rotherham Place Pilot)


by Raz Saleem

Medicines Optimisation Team (MOT), NHS South Yorkshire


“Medicine Shortages” are causing significant issues to both General Practice (GPs) and Community Pharmacy (CPs). Following a successful pilot between Rother Valley South (RVS) PCN GPs and local CPs, we are now ready to expand the new Out-of-Stocks (OOS) piloted process across ALL “ROTHERHAM GPs” and local CPs.

This new OOS process is intended to streamline medicine availability/stock communications (between CPs to GPs) into “one single way”, aiding prompt responses to queries and reduce workload for both parties.

From Monday 11th March 2024, this new OOS process will become the default accepted way for CPs to contact GPs re medicines availability/stock across “ROTHERHAM”


We’ve hosted multiple AccurxWeb OOS – Stakeholder Events during February and March 2024. These events (3 x face2face and virtual) covered all you need to know about the new OOS process and there was also time allocated to answer any questions.

Email invites (and follow-up reminders) to these events were sent to all Rotherham CPs shared NHSmail email accounts (also used by NHS E for contracting and NHS 111 for referrals) from January 2024 onwards.

Using “@ Message GP practice”, a feature of AccurxWeb that allows you to send an OOS message about a patient directly to their GP practice. 

AccurxWeb is FREE and web-based, so you don’t need to install or download any software, and you can log-in using your @nhs.net credentials from any secure mobile, tablet or desktop device.

Workspaces allow all users in a organisation to “collaborate” within AccurxWeb. Everything sent and received within a workspace can be viewed by all workspace users, allowing for better team-wide visibility of patient communication.

See how AccurxWeb works “Sending an OOS message to a patient’s GP Practice” 

ALL “ROTHERHAM” GP Practices have agreed to action OOS “@ Message GP practice” messages they receive. 

Please do NOT send OOS messages to non-Rotherham GP Practices as these may not be seen/go unanswered.

1. Create a FREE Account/Login using NHSmail single sign-up via https://web.accurx.com/

2. If you work in more than one pharmacy, you can sign up to additional pharmacy organisations via https://web.accurx.com/join-pharmacy

3. Once you have signed-up please email support@accurx.com or use the accurx live chat so we can approve your account. 

Either individual OOS item(s) on a EPS prescription (or the whole prescription) can be cancelled.

National NHS D info for: